Arhiv obvestil za študente III. stopnje
Instructions for the prevention of infections in the academic year 2020/21
Notice from the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 24 September 2020
Subject: Instructions for the prevention of infections in the academic year 2020/21
In order to minimize the chances of Covid-19 infections, in accordance with the NIJZ (National Institute of Public Health) recommendation (on 16 September 2020) and the Government Decree (on 23 September 2020), the following measures, that will be adjusted according to the actual regulation, apply at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering:
1. Only healthy persons may enter the premises of the UL FS. Before entering the premises of the UL FS, everyone must disinfect their hands (disinfectants are installed at the entrance to the premises) and put on protective masks.
2. The following measures must be taken on the premises: coughing hygiene, disinfection/hand washing after each contact with the common areas, physical distance between persons at least 1.5 meters.
3. The wearing of protective masks is compulsory in all areas of the premises UL FME.
4. In the lecture halls, the students sit on the marked seats.
5. When changing groups, constant airing of the rooms and disinfection of the common contact surfaces (hooks, tables...) must be ensured.
6. The following individuals may NOT enter the UL FS premises and make contact with students or staff:
§ individuals with signs or symptoms of Covid-19 infection,
§ individuals who are quarantined for the duration of the quarantine,
§ individuals isolated for the duration of the quarantine due to a positive Covid-19 test.
7. Protocol in case of signs/symptoms of Covid-19 infection:
§ the infected person goes home and calls the chosen doctor or emergency services. Does not use public transport for the journey home;
§ while waiting for transport, the person wears a protective mask, maintains a safe distance, touches as few common areas as possible and uses toilets that are not used by others during this time;
§ informs the Dean's Office at 01/477 11 43, which organizes airing and disinfection of the rooms and areas used;
§ in case of a negative test result, follow the instructions of the chosen doctor;
§ in case of a positive test result, follow the instructions of the chosen doctor. The NIJZ starts an epidemiological investigation in which it looks for the source of infection and identifies the contacts of the infected person. The employee informs the superior and the human resources department of the duration of the quarantine or isolation and forwards the decision of the Ministry of Health.
Prof. Dr. Mitjan Kalin, Dean